Spay & Neuter...

Best of Care
Our veterinarians recommend you spay (for females) or neuter (for males) your pets if they are not intended for breeding.
Two main reasons to spay or neuter
1.) To avoid overpopulation of animals
2.) To reduce the risk of certain diseases.
Risk Examples
Intact males have an increased risk of prostate and testicular cancer. Intact females are at risk for Pyometra, an infection of the uterus that if left untreated can be deadly.
In addition, intact females are more at risk for breast cancer, ovarian and uterine cancer. Some common myths you may have heard are that spaying and neutering causes laziness, reduced protective instincts, delayed maturity or alter their personality.
What age does my puppy or kitten need to be?
We generally like pets to be 6 months old but this can vary depending on the pet. Pets should have finished their puppy/kitten vaccines before scheduling surgery.
All bloodwork must be drawn at least 24-hours prior to your pet’s appointment.
If your pet is over the age of seven, the doctor will recommend blood work within three months of your pet undergoing anesthesia.
Schedule a spay or neuter
We only perform spays and neuters Monday – Friday. Most suture removals are complimentary and do not require an exam.